I love working with children to help them release fears, phobias, traumas and negative learned behaviors, or patterns such as separation anxiety, bed-wetting, nightmares, thumb-sucking, tantrums, etc. Through meditative journeys and visualizations, often involving angels, magical beings and secret gardens, I help them face and release fears and problematic patterns. Children are naturally in trance, i.e., in touch with their subconscious, “in the flow,” and to make changes is very quick and effortless, for they easily believe and accept visualizations and make them part of their reality. Unlike adults, who judge, criticize and filter suggestions or visualizations, children can easily accept and act upon suggestions and visualizations and have immediate success. I am happy to have a parent attend a hypnotherapy session with his/her child or to sit in an adjacent room. Sessions for children are normally 45 minutes and cost $60.