The subconscious is the major controller in OCDs, and hypnotherapy addresses the subconscious and reveals early roots of OCDs – often fear-based — clears them and replaces them with new and healthy, balanced outlooks and behaviors. I have clients go into a relaxed trance state and travel back to a time in their lives when the beliefs that caused the obsessive-compulsive behavior first were established. The roots may have been created in a forgotten childhood event, but the subconscious will reveal the memories holding that event. Then through suggestions and visualizations, I guide a client to release the fears and beliefs from a long-ago event, create new beliefs and new, healthy behavior and see him or herself enacting the new behavior. Working to discover and clear the roots of OCDs and to establish new behavior may take a series of sessions, potentially 2-3 months, depending on the flexibility and willingness of the client.