The subconscious and its desires often make losing weight an on-going battle. When we reach the subconscious through hypnotherapy and convince it to create healthy eating habits, to desire being slender, to enjoy exercise, to be motivated to eat small and light meals, then steady progress is made in weight loss and weight management. Often emotional issues are at the core of weight loss struggles, and through hypnotherapy we can discover the roots of those issues and clear them, freeing you from negative eating patterns. Inner Child work is a very helpful method to discover old hurts and patterns. Through Voice Dialogue, we can reveal agendas of various parts of yourself that may keep you stuck in unhealthy eating habits, such as your Saboteur, who wants to throw a monkey wrench into your new resolve, or your Vulnerable Child, who isn’t getting the comfort she needs and seeks it in brownies, or your Rebel self, who won’t follow any established rules of healthy eating. Then we can hear from your Protector, who wants a healthy and energetic body, and your Aphrodite or Adonis self, who wants to feel beautiful and sexually attractive and appreciated. Hearing from these various selves gives them acknowledgment and acceptance, and then your Aware Ego, the ruler of your inner selves, can determine which aspects of you need to have more voice and which need to be diminished. There are also many effective Neuro-linguistic Programming processes to help clear old habits and create new healthy habits of eating, of thinking, of behaving.
An ideal weight loss hypnotherapy series of sessions would take between four and six sessions, one session per week. I support you not only through hypnotherapy, but in assessing your eating habits, what you eat, what makes you eat more, when you eat, and why you overeat or eat unhealthy foods. I also encourage exercise and discuss your exercise life and options, giving you support and and incorporating suggestions for loving exercise into our discussions and into trances.
When you find yourself no longer craving late-night chocolate, yearning to exercise daily, easily choosing light meals at restaurants, and losing pounds weekly, you’ll realize the incredible benefits of hypnotherapy for weight loss!
Check out the following article:
SHAPE Magazine, “I Tried It: Hypnosis for Weight Loss”
“When Georgia, 28, decided she needed to lose the 30 or so pounds she put on after foot surgery in 2009, the dieting veteran turned to hypnosis.”