I create inner and outer changes in clients through a spiritual and transpersonal approach to hypnotherapy. Spiritual hypnotherapy encompasses a view of the individual as a being with a spirit or higher self, emotions, intellect and physical body, and these aspects work together to create a state of well-being. When these parts are repressed or experience undue trauma or stress, disease and imbalance can occur. Through hypnotherapy techniques, clients can clear imbalance and restore physical health and emotional well-being. Spiritual or transpersonal hypnotherapy embraces the idea that we are creative and powerful beings who can shape our reality and manifest our ideals. I use a psycho-spiritual approach to help clients clear limiting beliefs and past traumas to access the higher self and its clarity of purpose, opening doorways to empowerment, serenity, happiness, and the discovery of one’s life mission. I employ a variety of techniques with clients, including Voice Dialogue, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Inner Child work, Alchemical Hypnotherapy, Aligning Relationships, Reframing and Reimprinting, accessing guides, TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique), hypnotherapy for birth, guided visualizations, and visualization journeys for children. I offer spiritual counseling, intuitive guidance, and spiritual healing, particularly in my Angelic Reiki and energy healing sessions.